Support for Parents
Do you have questions about single parenting, co-parenting, marriage, continuing education, financial stability, and other topics? We are here to help with free parenting support and classes!
We’re here to help you take the time to address your parenting concerns and help you find the resources you need. We offer parenting classes, mentoring, and a wide range of support services for your parenting journey.
Pregnancy doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but we are here to help!
Hope Pregnancy Center provides free parenting classes in Willmar, Minnesota.
Who are these classes for?
Our classes are for moms and dads, single or together, throughout pregnancy and until a child is two years old. Get answers to your questions about pregnancy, parenting, and so much more.
When are the classes and can I do them virtually?
In-person parenting classes are held Monday through Friday; appointments are encouraged! Virtual classes are available in special circumstances. Through our lessons, you will also earn Baby Bucks that you can use to purchase needed baby essentials from our Baby Boutique.
What will I learn?
When you’re expecting, the idea of becoming a parent can seem overwhelming at first. A great way to prepare yourself for parenthood is by attending parenting classes that answer your questions and set you up for success. We’re here to help you take the time to address your parenting concerns and help you find the resources you need. Our parenting classes help you lay a foundation for successful parenting.
Many people who want to parent may have questions or concerns about single parenting, co-parenting, marriage, continuing their education, financial stability and other topics. Get answers to those questions and earn credits used to purchase baby items from our Baby Boutique.
Welcoming a child into the world means a lot of changes. Some are big, some are smaller; some are exciting, others are scary. You don’t have to prepare for parenting alone; we can help you become the best parent you can be. Contact us to learn more about our pregnancy and parenting classes in Willmar, Minnesota.